Tuesday, July 8, 2008


From Cordoba we took a short two-hour trip to Sevilla...oh wait, it actually took about 7 or 8 hours, but who's keeping track anyways? On the way we found this really cool Spanish castle from hundreds of years ago! It's the type of castle that you read about in storybooks. It is on the top of a hill with a beautiful 360 degree panoramic view, a river, towers, flags, and even a dungeon.

In Sevilla we stayed at the Novotel Hotel, which is a really nice hotel right in the city. We went to a palace with a beautiful courtyard out front and a fountain. Supposedly they filmed part of one of the Star Wars films there (I think the 2nd one). After a little dip in the fountain (once again, it was a very hot day), we went to the park and rented these tandem bike carts to ride. I was the driver and let's just say we did a little off-roading!

Well that's it for my last stop on vacation in Spain with the Williams...it was too much fun and a sweet glimpse of good times ahead with friends back in the States.

The castle on a hill


What a view!

My new hairstyle...what do you think?

The off-roading machine! We even went down a set of stairs in this bad boy...

Palace in Sevilla

The entire Amaya-Williams family!

Not bad...

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