Monday, July 7, 2008


From Gibraltar we drove up to Cordoba, Spain which used to be the center of culture during the Islamic expansion. There we visited a place called the Mezquita, which was originally a mosque but was then turned into a cathedral after the reconquest of southern Spain. They were going to destroy the entire mosque, but decided against it after seeing how beautifully designed it was. I remember studying this place in 7th or 8th grade history class, so it was really cool to actually be there myself!

We also were able to visit some incredible ruins outside of town. This place used to be the palace of the Islamic leader in the area. Even now they think they've only uncovered about 10% of the actual city! It was a lot of hiking around in 100+ degree weather and I became the official "tour guide" for our group since I had the brochure that explained what everything was!

All in all Cordoba was great and we thoroughly enjoyed exploring all over the place together. I'd highly recommend it if you're up for an adventure...

Inside the Mezquita

I didn't realize I'd enjoy it this much! Is that not the face of pure bliss?

I've entitled this photo "Palm Tree and Tower"

Marina and Gabriela at the ruins

Lots of arches...

Do I look like a tourist or what? Tessa doesn't look to excited about the tour guide, does she?

Needless to say we were tired. And it was seriously as hot as it is in Niger!

Paeilla...traditional Spanish cuisine

Tessa, Isaac, Evan and I

This is an actual Roman bridge from thousands of years ago

Cool guitarist from the flamenco show we went to

And some really good dancers!

And we watched a lot of "Monk" at night!

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