Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Physical Therapy

While at the hospital in Danja, I work both in the Physical Therapy and Pharmacy departments. I'm enjoying both and staying busy with work. The PT department is joined with the leprosy control/POD (Prevention of Disability) dept, so I have been able to be exposed to quite a wide variety of patients.

I'll be the first to admit that I am not a trained physical therapist, so I'm learning a lot as I work with the local and missionary staff. There is a lot of freedom to be creative and spend time with patients. They are very appreciative for whatever care we can give them. I work most closely with a great Nigerien man named Aboubacar who, though not educated formally, has worked in PT at the hospital for many years. He knows many exercises and stretches to give patients and it's great to work with him.

I also work with an Australian missionary from The Leprosy Mission (TLM) who is a trained occupational therapist with a Master's degree in International Public Health. She's a great friend and has taught me a lot while I've been here. She is the head of the department and also works closely with Adamou and Boube in the POD/Leprosy Control program.

Okay, enough writing. Here are some pictures from the physical therapy department here at CSL Danja...

One of the patients I've been working with for a few weeks now. He's always smiling!

Aboubacar! As a recovered leper, he has lots of knowledge and experience with leprosy patients.

Aboubacar and I...he likes to smile a lot too!

Tchima. She has come a long way recovering from burns all over her backside, legs, and hands.

Helen and Adamou doing some very serious work.

This patient has osteoporosis and could hardly sit up. Now he is learning to stand and walk despite his disability.

One of my favorite patients (is that allowed)? She had severe hip contractures, but now is doing much better and walking with just a slight limp.

Aboubacar working with one of our stroke patients. It is so exciting to see patients improve over the time that they are here! God has made us all with incredible bodies that heal!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


From Cordoba we took a short two-hour trip to Sevilla...oh wait, it actually took about 7 or 8 hours, but who's keeping track anyways? On the way we found this really cool Spanish castle from hundreds of years ago! It's the type of castle that you read about in storybooks. It is on the top of a hill with a beautiful 360 degree panoramic view, a river, towers, flags, and even a dungeon.

In Sevilla we stayed at the Novotel Hotel, which is a really nice hotel right in the city. We went to a palace with a beautiful courtyard out front and a fountain. Supposedly they filmed part of one of the Star Wars films there (I think the 2nd one). After a little dip in the fountain (once again, it was a very hot day), we went to the park and rented these tandem bike carts to ride. I was the driver and let's just say we did a little off-roading!

Well that's it for my last stop on vacation in Spain with the Williams...it was too much fun and a sweet glimpse of good times ahead with friends back in the States.

The castle on a hill


What a view!

My new hairstyle...what do you think?

The off-roading machine! We even went down a set of stairs in this bad boy...

Palace in Sevilla

The entire Amaya-Williams family!

Not bad...

Monday, July 7, 2008


From Gibraltar we drove up to Cordoba, Spain which used to be the center of culture during the Islamic expansion. There we visited a place called the Mezquita, which was originally a mosque but was then turned into a cathedral after the reconquest of southern Spain. They were going to destroy the entire mosque, but decided against it after seeing how beautifully designed it was. I remember studying this place in 7th or 8th grade history class, so it was really cool to actually be there myself!

We also were able to visit some incredible ruins outside of town. This place used to be the palace of the Islamic leader in the area. Even now they think they've only uncovered about 10% of the actual city! It was a lot of hiking around in 100+ degree weather and I became the official "tour guide" for our group since I had the brochure that explained what everything was!

All in all Cordoba was great and we thoroughly enjoyed exploring all over the place together. I'd highly recommend it if you're up for an adventure...

Inside the Mezquita

I didn't realize I'd enjoy it this much! Is that not the face of pure bliss?

I've entitled this photo "Palm Tree and Tower"

Marina and Gabriela at the ruins

Lots of arches...

Do I look like a tourist or what? Tessa doesn't look to excited about the tour guide, does she?

Needless to say we were tired. And it was seriously as hot as it is in Niger!

Paeilla...traditional Spanish cuisine

Tessa, Isaac, Evan and I

This is an actual Roman bridge from thousands of years ago

Cool guitarist from the flamenco show we went to

And some really good dancers!

And we watched a lot of "Monk" at night!

Saturday, July 5, 2008


After Granada we drove in our rented cars all the way to the tip of the country...Gibraltar! We had to cross a border and show our passports, because technically Gibraltar is part of the United Kingdom. It was so interesting because once we crossed the border, we noticed people speaking English, and with British accents! What a change from understanding pretty much "nada" in Spain!

We had a good 3 or 4 days in Gibraltar. We were able to climb all the way up the famous Rock of Gibraltar and look across to the Atlas Mountains in Morocco! Between swimming at the beach, messing with Gibraltarian monkeys, hiking around in a cave, and getting lost trying to find our room in the hotel, we all had a blast in Gibraltar together!

On the Rock of Gibraltar

Africa...so close!

Isaac and I at Europa Point

A steep drop to most certain death...

Curt and I bought matching sunglasses...how "cute"...

St. Michael's Cave

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Granada - The Alhambra

While in Granada we all went and visited the famous Alhambra palace! It was once a Moorish palace during the days when Islam spread throughout the south of Spain. One of the caliphs built this gorgeous fortress just outside of Granada and it was quite amazing.

After the palace, we went up into the hills where a bunch of gypsies used to live. They dug caves into the side of the hill and lived there. There was a whole community living in these caves, raising livestock and practicing their trades.

I was really amazed by the history that is everywhere in Spain. In the States, the oldest things are maybe 200 or 250 years old. In Spain, things are 500+ years old, and that's pretty normal.
Well, here are some pictures:

The entrance

A real castle/palace!

Evan and Adrian enjoying the cannons!

There was some really cool architecture...

Taking a little breather from all the hiking around

Arabic inscriptions

Gypsy caves

This is the swordfish...BEFORE

and AFTER...


It's true! I just got back from a wonderful 2 weeks in Spain! The Lord really worked it out that I was able to join the Williams family (from my home church in CA and small group) for their family vacation. We had such a wonderful time traveling all over southern Spain and enjoying the beautiful countryside and historic sites.

I spent the first night in Madrid by myself in a cheap hostel, then took a 5-hr train ride to Granada where I met up with all 13 of the Williams' family. Ok, there was a BIT of miscommunication as to the location of the hotel in Granada, but all that is to say...after a very enjoyable bus ride through the Spanish countryside and an overnight at a beautiful bed and breakfast place 40 km away from where I was supposed to be, we were all together! What a sweet reunion!

Atocha Train Station - Madrid

Curt and Rosie Williams and the kids (Tessa, Evan, Eliana, Isaac)

Tessa and I enjoying a nice summer dip

This is completely normal...don't worry.

That beautiful countryside I was talking about...

And the OTHER "Cortijo del Pino"

Enjoying true Spanish cuisine...churros and chocolate!