Sunday, May 4, 2008

Some Prayer Requests

Thank you so much to those of you who are and have been praying for me! It really is so encouraging to know that I have friends who are really supporting me out here through intercession. Praise the Lord with me that things are going very well and learning so much.

Some things you could continue to pray for me about:

- Hausa language learning (I’m meeting with a tutor every week and am learning a lot. Please pray for continual growth so I can better communicate with Nigeriens in their native language)

- Relationships with locals (I’m making friends with some really good Christian guys at work in the hospital. Please pray for growth in these relationships and that we would find time to hang out outside of work)

- Consistency in spending time with God (yes, it’s a constant struggle for me even out here. Pray that I would remain focused on Him in all things.)

Thank you all once again!

My friend Lawali and I at the hospital

Tukur, a leprosy patient, who is really interested in learning English

Favorite Hausa Phrase of the Day:

“Gama mulki, da iko, da girma, naka ne har abada. Amin.”

“Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the authority forever and ever. Amen.”

(The last line of the Lord’s Prayer…)


Amy said...

Thanks for your update Luke! I'll be praying for ya!

Sue said...

We love your blog, Luke!! May you be blessed as you serve Him there.

~Tom & Sue Kimber