Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Birthday Party!

Yeah, so it was my birthday this past week, and Mom and Em were in town to celebrate! We had a really fun party at my house, with roasted meat, games, and a lot of laughter. Aaron and I celebrated our birthdays together, since we're only two days apart, and we had a blast!

The group of us...

This "culturally sensitive" relay race included Aaron and I dressing up as Nigerien women, cooking an egg, and feeding it to someone. Not my proudest moment...

Opening gifts from the Williams'...man they're great!

The birthday boys!

Hausa Phrase of the Day:

"Barka da haihuwa!"
"Greetings on your giving birth" (this is said to a woman after she has given birth to a child)

Note: I once said this to a fellow worker thinking it meant "happy birthday"...boy was I wrong!

1 comment:

Jonathon Vopinek said...

Luke I want you to know I am now a subscriber to your blog! Happy belated B-Day, it looks like you had a blast as usual! I still consider you one of the greatest guys I know. Keep up the good work!