Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Oh, the life of a single guy…in West Africa!

So we have this cookbook for Niger, which was made by the Peace Corps. It’s actually really great and I’ve decided that I want to start cooking more. So we decided not to hire a lady to cook for us (trust me, it would be completely culturally appropriate to do so). I figure I can really learn how to cook for myself more, and especially using recipes from scratch (you know, character-building, “I’m a real man” type of cooking for a change). By the way, “scratch” means no boxes or microwaves, simply starting with the basic ingredients.

I decided to make “no-bake cookies.” Easy, right? My mom used to make really good ones when I was growing up, so I thought I’d “give it a burl” (that’s Aussie lingo I’ve picked up from the other missionaries). Simple, throw some stuff together, heat it up, let it set, and voila…delicious cookies for the entire week!

I doubled the recipe and unknowingly “octupled” the milk portion of the recipe. So instead of putting ½ cup of milk, I put 2 cups! Yeah, 4 times the correct amount. Not so good.

Needless to say, the cookies didn’t set. Should’ve called them “Chocolate Oatmeal how-can-you-blow-it-on-a-recipe-that-has-‘no bake’-in-the-title Cookies”!

End of story. It wasn’t a complete waste because we still enjoyed the clumps of batter for the next week or so…

PS – Crazy thing I learned in Hausa class…the Hausa word for cannibal. You won’t believe it. The word is “yumyum”…like my cookies!


Will Krzymowski said...

haha... way to go ardil! Maybe you should start with items where ingredients are only important to personal taste, and won't ruin it... like SALAD! OOPS, to many carrots, oh well... still tastes like salad.

Hannatu said...

Chocolate soup anyone? Good thing Suzanne sent some brownies your way!

Amy said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! haha that's great... do you miss my mini muffins yet? =D

nigerluke said...

yeah, salad's a winner. as long as it's not like a macaroni salad or something...

Yes, thanks for the brownies, yummy!

I miss your muffins Amy, yes!

Thanks for the comments everybody...you're all great!

skattebo said...

Those are beautiful Luke! :)
Welcome to the wonderful and strange world of cooking!

thinking of you,