Sunday, March 9, 2008


Week 2 working at the hospital. I’ve been in pharmacy with Laura, another short-termer from Australia. We’re having a good time and learning a lot in the process. Having limited Hausa and only a little French, it’s a little difficult to communicate with local staff. But they are very friendly and I’m doing my best to be cheerful and joke around with them as much as possible.

So we’re doing inventory on the whole pharmacy, and figuring out a good system for documenting what comes in and goes out. We’ve also been working on seeing if what we are charging for meds and procedures is appropriate. Treatment is not entirely free, but it is quite cheap, and the demand for good healthcare is very high.

For the first month or so at the hospital, I will be circulating through the different departments to get a taste of what goes on here. The Lord really worked it out because it’ll be such good experience, and I’ll be able to have a variety of things to do. After this “internship” I’ll be able to select an area that I’d like to focus in on for my work. How exciting!

Sorry this one's a little blurry. Esther, Ma'illu, and another lady I work with at the pharmacy.

Laura and I have been cracking away counting medicine. Laura is another short-termer from Australia, and she is also a nurse. Here we were counting suppositories...if you know what they are then you would know that they're not fun...

This is outside on the hospital compound. It's kind of like a "waiting room." People just chill here all day, bring food, and wait to see the doctor or visit family members.

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