Sunday, February 3, 2008

Operation: C-Section

Okay, before you read this, please know that the pictures in this entry are a bit graphic. If you have problems with them, please don't look at them.

Jan. 27, 2008

Galmi, Niger

Sunday, 12:15am

(I guess that’s technically Monday now, isn’t it?)

Tonight I saw my first Caesarian section ever! In fact, it was my first real surgery in the OR that I’ve observed. Anywhere.

About 9:30pm tonight the French doctor here at Galmi called and said he was going to do a C-section and Matthias (another short termer I’ve been staying with) and I could come watch! So we walked over to the hospital, changed into scrubs, and were ready for action.

Yes, I'm a dork.

The girl was only about 15 years old, and fully awake! They gave her a spinal block (anesthetic), covered her up, and the doctor started cutting. He just sliced right through all these layers of skin and tissue like they were nothing! It was nuts! And it didn’t even bleed that much. Finally he got to the uterus (as I’m typing this I’m realizing I probably shouldn’t go into too much detail here) and cut it right open. He stuck his hand right in and all this fluid started pouring out! Suddenly there was a baby’s head, it was crying, and then it was completely out, just like that. Snip, snip, the cord was gone, the baby was gone, and I was left staring at this gaping hole in a 15-year-old girl! Unbe-stinking-lievable!

The doctor showed us these white things which I think were the ovaries, and then he stitched her up. Layer after layer until she was good to go. They cleaned up, pulled down the sheet, and wheeled her out. Done. Finished. Like it was no big deal!

The head is coming out...


Flung from the womb!

Oh yeah, and after Matthias and I got back to our place we were kind of hungry. He had this truffley, jello/custard thing he had made for dessert that went all wrong. Turns out it looked just like the inside of a 15-year-old girl…and we ate it!

This is the with above pictures...

Yummy in my tummy...

(Matthias and I)


Hannatu said...

You are so gross! I'm not sure I could have stomached that dessert! A dr. leaving Galmi showed us all his surgery pictures. Good thing I have a strong stomach!

Rosaura said...

Actually, the scrubs really suit you!! Ever thought about becoming a doctor? You obviously have the stomach for it! Almost like eating your lunch while doing an autopsy, not something I'd recommend!

Amy said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! That's amazing! I can't believe they let you take pictures... Do you have pictures of them stitching up the ovaries? Way cool!

Kenny Clark said...

For the sake of all us sensitive-stomach types... please don't post the pictures amy just mentioned! Geez!

Luke, you are definitely in your element.

Luke said...

Awesome!! My mom is a unofficial midwife so I grew up hearing all about birthstuff. (c: Never saw pictures of a live C-Section though! What a great story. Thanks for putting this up. Love the finish with the trifle. LOL!

skattebo said...


ryan floyd said...
