Sunday, January 6, 2008

Jet Lagged

Jan. 5, 2008

Niamey, Niger


I woke up at 1:17am. In the morning. After going to bed around 11:00pm. Wowser.

So yes, I am fully jet-lagged. After a good long sleep yesterday I was hoping to sleep through the night tonight. That obviously didn’t happen. But c’est la vie and I’ll adjust eventually. I’ve been up pretty much since then, lying in bed. It’s almost 5:00am now.

Thanks to technology I was able to watch “The Bourne Supremacy” on my new Ipod. Way cool, I am so glad I have that thing. It’s kind of like my jet lag medicine. In the early hours of the morning when I was in Morocco, I watched “The Bourne Identity” so this was the logical continuation. Jason Bourne won again, in case you were wondering.

You definitely have some time to think when you’re the only person awake in the pitch black of night. Music is very soothing and helps to pass the time. I guess boredom makes me pray more than I normally do. I’m just being honest, but why not talk to God when you have nothing else to do? I think it’s good, and I can talk to God about whatever I want during these slow hours of being alone. I just wish I didn’t need to be completely bored to actually spend time with my Maker. Maybe that’s what I’ll pray about.


b said...

Luke, you have done a fabulous job on this blog. I really love it. Be sure to include this address in all your emails and letters to your support team, caue it is very good.
Love you man. Dad
Praying for you...did you take your vitamin yet? :)

Anonymous said...

Yo Luke, nice blog-- so excited you are back in the Motherland. I cannot wait to hear how the Lord uses you in Niger. Sweeeeeeeeeeet. Praying for you.
Peace bro,
Jason Craig

ryan floyd said...

luke, you rock. You need to write me emails and things. Ryan and Tessa