Sunday, January 20, 2008

Crowning of a Chief

Jan. 13, 2008

Sunday, 3:44pm

Tera, Niger

Today I witnessed what no one has witnessed for 23 years and 7 months! The new Songhai chief in Tera had his coronation ceremony today, and we were invited.

We knew it would be a long ceremony, and it was supposed to start around 9:00am. So we got there around 10am or so, and it was a good thing! The chief arrived just as we were getting there, and there were seriously thousands of people gathered for this event! We were allowed inside the stadium (football field where the ceremony was held) and given seats near the front.

It turns out that many important government and regional officials were also coming for the coronation. As we waited, many of these “big men” arrived in Land Cruisers driven onto the stadium, with personal bodyguards and the whole lot. In fact, the prime minister himself (2nd in command in all of Niger) came in a convoy and I was able to get a few pictures of him.

I think the fact that I am white and that I was holding a camera granted me certain privileges. I stood up and walked towards the action, and several men nodded me onward to take pictures. I went right up to the prime minister and took his picture, nodded in thanks, and was returned with a slight nod from the 2nd most powerful man in all of Niger!

Although I did not come fully prepared for the three and a half hours of heat and commotion (no hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, or food), I did bring some water and a book to keep me occupied. All in all it was a great day and I got some pretty cool shots of the people, culture, and ceremony. Life truly is an adventure out here, and you never know what each day is going to bring!

This is the new Songhai chief. Serious guy.

These are the drummers and musicians. Those drums are made out of huge gourds.

This man is the prime minister of Niger. He's 2nd in command over the whole country! It was cool to see him up close.

These are the Muslim malams (leaders) who said a prayer and were in the middle of the whole stadium.

These boys love their camels! And it's a good thing they've got sunglasses too, eh?

This horse had some serious decorations. Must've been hot.

We got to sit right next to the prime minister's tent, and even made it on Niger's national TV station!

This guy is a Fulani chief and he danced while these other guys played drums for him.

1 comment:

Will Krzymowski said...

Hey, thats pretty neat, great post. It would have been great to put the camera out with one arm and get yourself in the photo with the prime minister.It would have been a good contrast, with that goofy ardil grin. I like the pictures, keep posting them!!