Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mom and Em's Visit

It's true! My mom and sister came all the way out to Niger for a visit! They were only in country for about two weeks, but I was able to ride the bus to Niamey and surprise them at the airport when they came.

They really enjoyed their time and it was so good to see them. Mom had worked for SIM as a short-termer 30 years ago in Niamey, Niger, and had not been back until now! We were in Niamey for a few days and then made our way out east, stopping to visit some other missionary friends at Galmi Hospital before reaching Maradi.

It was fun for them to see what life is like here and also to be able to help out in the hospital at CSL Danja. I'm so glad they came and I think they had fun too...

One happy family (except for Dad who had to stay in CA)

The bus ride...

Yes, Mom, we are in Niger!
(Actually this is a craft center for family members of patients to make things to sell)

Sister and brother...happy to see each other!

On their last day here in Danja, we were able to be there for the birth of a new baby! Severine is the nurse who delivered the baby, and Emily was there to help too! (She's a nurse, ya know...)

Hausa Word of the Day:

majinya - nurse

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Birthday Party!

Yeah, so it was my birthday this past week, and Mom and Em were in town to celebrate! We had a really fun party at my house, with roasted meat, games, and a lot of laughter. Aaron and I celebrated our birthdays together, since we're only two days apart, and we had a blast!

The group of us...

This "culturally sensitive" relay race included Aaron and I dressing up as Nigerien women, cooking an egg, and feeding it to someone. Not my proudest moment...

Opening gifts from the Williams' they're great!

The birthday boys!

Hausa Phrase of the Day:

"Barka da haihuwa!"
"Greetings on your giving birth" (this is said to a woman after she has given birth to a child)

Note: I once said this to a fellow worker thinking it meant "happy birthday"...boy was I wrong!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Camel Riding

My sister Emily and mother Shari came for a visit this past week all the way to Niger! So on Saturday we hired camels and all went on camel rides in the morning! It was really fun and we did it right outside of my house.

Good times I tell you...

It's pretty high up there on this beast of an animal!

Is it just me, or do they look a little scared?

Smile for the camera!

Hausa word of the day:

rakumi - "camel"
rakumi mai halkaci - "the crazy camel"

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Quick Update

Thank you all for praying for me this past month! Here's a quick update on what's been going on.

1) I moved to Danja! I have my own house near the hospital on a compound with other missionaries. I'm really enjoying it there.

2) I took the GRE! On Sept. 20 I completed my GRE test in Abuja, Nigeria, and it went very well. Thank you for your prayers and I have returned back to Niger safely.

3) My mom and sister are visiting from the States! They made it safely yesterday into Niamey, and we will be heading out to Maradi and Danja this Friday. As for now, we're visiting people in Niamey, doing some shopping, and spending some good time together.

Sorry there are no pictures today; I'll post some later.