Sunday, August 24, 2008

GRE Test!

So for those of you who don't know, I'm wanting to go to graduate school next year after I get back from Niger. I'm applying for Physical Therapy and Physician's Assistant programs in the California area and hope to start mid-2009.

Anyways, I was planning on taking the GRE test once I got back to the States, study really hard, and do well. Most graduate schools require applicants to take the GRE as part of the application process. Well I found out that if I want to go to school next year, I have to basically take the test by October of this year. One slight problem...I'm thousands of miles away on the edge of the Sahara Desert in Maradi, Niger!

Well thank God there are actually GRE test centers in this part of the world, and even one in Niamey (a mere 10-hr drive from my front porch). But of course the Niamey center only offers the test at the beginning of the year (not so helpful). To make this story a shorter one that it could have been...I'm taking the test in Abuja, Nigeria on Sept. 20! (All that is required is about 8 hrs of discomfort crammed in the back of a bush taxi, a very expensive Nigerian visa, a border crossing, hotel accommodations, a passport, two #2 pencils, and some scrap paper).

But seriously, please be praying with me as I study for this very important test, and that the Lord would work out all the travel, logistics, visa, etc. to Abuja and back.

One big fatty GRE study book (thank you for sending it all the way from the States!)

Yes, proof I'm actually studying...flash cards!
(By the way, it seems like some of these words may have been made up by the test-writers as a joke...let's just say no human would ever use them in a sentence)

Oh darn! Less than a month left until test day...

GRE Word of the Day:

soporific - sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness

(as in...Studying for the GRE is so soporific it is hard to maintain consciousness.)


NIGER1.COM said...

read niger daily news on

Luke said...

Hey Luke, hope the studying goes well and you ace the test! (c: Sopoforic, I know some things that are sopoforic, my voice, my work, and going surfing (which is a good one). Looking forward to reading more on your blog and eventually seeing ya back stateside! Blessings, namesake!