Sunday, April 20, 2008

Polio Clinic

I’ve had the opportunity to go out “bush” (to the more rural villages and camps) a few times on immunization clinics with some of the local staff here at CSL Danja. About two or three weeks ago they had a country-wide “polio immunization clinic” as part of the government’s health plan.

We went to Danja village as well as one other village, going door-to-door giving polio immunizations and vitamin A to the children. It was a cool experience because I was able to see people throughout these villages, and it was also fun to work with other Nigerien guys my age. One guy gave the polio drops, one the vitamin A, and another one recorded. I was the vitamin A guy…

Say "Ahh"

There were 17 people in the truck...17!

This truck...

Daniel and Issufu

Polio vaccine is for children under the age of 5. They explained to me if a child could touch his ear over his head like this, then he was too old. Cool, huh?

No pressure...

They wanted me to play this drum, and I did...and the people danced!

Fulani woman and her baby

Favorite Hausa Phrase of the Day:

"Sannu sannu, ba ta hana zuwa..." (Hausa Proverb)

"Slowly slowly, doesn't prevent it's coming..."
(Basically it means that it's okay if things take's good to take things slow and steady.)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lake Madarounfa

Recently a bunch of friends and I went to Lake Madarounfa, which is about 30-40 km from where I live. Ben Stam is another short termer from Niamey who joined us, along with Laura, Helen, Felicity, and the Hazell family and Aaron.

We had a ton of fun playing soccer, drinking tea, and relaxing in the shade. We couldn't go swimming though because the lake probably has belharzia in it, which is a bad definitely not worth the risk.

Anyway, it was a great getaway on the weekend, hope you enjoy the pictures...

Short term boys chilling in the shade.

Aaron the tree-hugger...

This is a huge baobab tree along the way...

Pure enjoyment...

Beep beep...

Tuareg tea in true Niger style...

Life is so boring in Niger...

Lake Madarounfa

Favorite Hausa Phrase of the Day:

"Kana jin Hausa kamar jakin Kano!"

You hear Hausa like a donkey from Kano!
(this is a good means you understand Hausa very well)

Monday, April 7, 2008


So here is some of the local food from Niger. Doesn't it look yummy?

Mmm...intestines anyone?

Judging by the tail, I'd say it's a sheep!

This is "fura" which is made up of a ground millet paste mixed with water. Add sugar and ice for added goodness...

Tuwo...mashed millet or corn paste with an okra and spice sauce...

"Mia"...onion/pepper sauce which is good on rice or to dip bread in

Beans ("Wake")


Favorite Hausa Phrase of the Day:

Ina da farin ciki.
"I am happy."
(or literally translated..."I am with a white stomach.")

Cool, huh?