Thursday, December 20, 2007

Colorado or Bust...

So tomorrow I'm driving with my parents all the way to Colorado Springs, CO for Christmas. It's gonna be great to see everyone from Mom's side of the family before I leave. It's crazy how time flies so quickly! I'll be in CO for a week, then back to CA for two days. Then I leave.

That's it for now. I should write in a week or so before I leave.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Well, this is just about all I'll be taking with me on the trip. I'm not completely packed, but this is mostly it. Two 70-lb boxes and a carry on, plus my laptop computer.

It has worked out really well though as far as travel is concerned. I leave Jan. 1 at 7:00am from LAX to New York. Once I'm there I will meet up with another SIM missionary family who is returning from furlough in the States. I will be with them the rest of the trip through to Niamey.

It was really exciting to talk to them on the phone. It helps me to realize more and more how close and real this thing really is! I will be in Niger in less than 4 weeks! Please continue to pray for me as I prepare and say goodbye. Thanks!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

My Room

This is my room after a significant amount of cleaning and organizing. I'm serious.
Packing and organizing isn't really my favorite thing, but it needs to be done. I'm leaving for CO in 10 days, then I'll be back for two days before I leave for Niger! Whoa!

Friday, October 26, 2007

I have a website!

Okay, so I just created this website! I am going to try to use it to post updates, pictures, and anything else. If you are interested in being added to my email list or know someone who would be, please shoot me an email at